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France 14th Line Infantry Regiment -1806

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 Vitrina 14 sm







White uniforms were reintroduced on April 25th 1806 and the 14th line regiment received them. Their disticnctions were the black facing colour on lapels and cufs, vertical pockets and white metal buttons.






Yellow collars were optional for voltigeur units and the 14th regiment did not use it.



Sappeurs used the same uniforms as grenadiers but with the distinctive corssed axes cut on red cloths on the sleeves. The sappeurs of this regiment used pointed cuff flaps pipied in the facing colour as for their elite condition. Pointed cuff flaps were reserved for the Guard units.



Source: Charmy: Splendeur des Uniformes de Napoléon. Éditions Charles Hérissey. Évreux 2004