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France 12th Line Infantry Regiment -1806

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Vitrina Reg 12 linea 1




The new regulation for the white uniforms were provided to the 12th line regiment by the end of 1806 but not all the regiment was dressed with it and some companies retained the blue ones.


One battalion of this regiment was at Tilst in 1807 along with the 21st line, also in white uniforms, and it is said that Napoleon took the decision to return to the blue uniforms when he saw the conditions of the uniforms.

The light company wore the distinctive yellow collar and the non regulation epaulettes. Distincitve hunting horns cut on yellow cloth were attached to the turnbacks.
Musicians wore distinctive light blue coats with the facing colour parts trimmed in yellow cloth and a distinctive clover leaf epaulettes. Note that the pockets run vertically.


Source: Frederic Berjaud - LES SOLDATS DE LA GRANDE ARMEE